path: root/package.yaml
diff options
authorJacques Comeaux <jacquesrcomeaux@protonmail.com>2024-02-16 20:29:43 -0600
committerJacques Comeaux <jacquesrcomeaux@protonmail.com>2024-02-16 20:29:43 -0600
commit14a4f246b61e763cea32281e3a5f73bde38fe5d4 (patch)
tree4cdb5bdae2abcc8d8f1f80a50e017951da7de649 /package.yaml
parent5da77fee409e8f4d80563c4283bfe71c8e272266 (diff)
Add helper function for merging finite sets
Diffstat (limited to 'package.yaml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/package.yaml b/package.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5793777..0000000
--- a/package.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-name: circuits
-github: "githubuser/circuits"
-license: BSD3
-author: "Author name here"
-maintainer: "example@example.com"
-copyright: "2022 Author name here"
-- README.md
-# Metadata used when publishing your package
-# synopsis: Short description of your package
-# category: Web
-# To avoid duplicated efforts in documentation and dealing with the
-# complications of embedding Haddock markup inside cabal files, it is
-# common to point users to the README.md file.
-description: Please see the README on GitHub at <https://github.com/githubuser/circuits#readme>
-- base >= 4.7 && < 5
-- rio
- source-dirs: src
-- -Wall
-- -Wcompat
-- -Wincomplete-record-updates
-- -Wredundant-constraints
-- -Wmissing-local-signatures
-- -Wmissing-export-lists
-- -Wpartial-fields
-- -Wmonomorphism-restriction
-- -Widentities
-- -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors
-- -fprint-expanded-synonyms
-- ApplicativeDo
-- BangPatterns
-- ConstraintKinds
-- DataKinds
-- EmptyCase
-- ExistentialQuantification
-- FlexibleContexts
-- FlexibleInstances
-- GADTs
-- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-- InstanceSigs
-- KindSignatures
-- LambdaCase
-- MultiParamTypeClasses
-- NoImplicitPrelude
-- NoStarIsType
-- OverloadedStrings
-- PatternSynonyms
-- PolyKinds
-- RankNTypes
-- ScopedTypeVariables
-- StandaloneDeriving
-- StandaloneKindSignatures
-- TupleSections
-- TypeApplications
-- TypeFamilies
-- TypeFamilyDependencies
-- TypeOperators