path: root/Category/Instance
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Category/Instance')
2 files changed, 396 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Category/Instance/Cospans.agda b/Category/Instance/Cospans.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3f8fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Category/Instance/Cospans.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
+open import Categories.Category using (Category)
+open import Category.Cocomplete.Finitely.Bundle using (FinitelyCocompleteCategory)
+open import Function using (flip)
+open import Level using (_⊔_)
+module Category.Instance.Cospans {o ℓ e} (𝒞 : FinitelyCocompleteCategory o ℓ e) where
+open FinitelyCocompleteCategory 𝒞
+open import Categories.Diagram.Duality U using (Pushout⇒coPullback)
+open import Categories.Diagram.Pushout U using (Pushout)
+open import Categories.Diagram.Pushout.Properties U using (glue; swap; pushout-resp-≈)
+open import Categories.Morphism U using (_≅_; module ≅)
+open import Categories.Morphism.Duality U using (op-≅⇒≅)
+open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning U using
+ ( switch-fromtoˡ
+ ; glueTrianglesˡ
+ ; id-comm
+ ; id-comm-sym
+ ; pullˡ
+ ; pullʳ
+ ; assoc²''
+ ; assoc²'
+ )
+import Categories.Diagram.Pullback op as Pb using (up-to-iso)
+ variable
+ A B C D X Y Z : Obj
+ f g h : A ⇒ B
+record Cospan (A B : Obj) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ) where
+ field
+ {N} : Obj
+ f₁ : A ⇒ N
+ f₂ : B ⇒ N
+compose : Cospan A B → Cospan B C → Cospan A C
+compose c₁ c₂ = record { f₁ = p.i₁ ∘ C₁.f₁ ; f₂ = p.i₂ ∘ C₂.f₂ }
+ where
+ module C₁ = Cospan c₁
+ module C₂ = Cospan c₂
+ module p = pushout C₁.f₂ C₂.f₁
+identity : Cospan A A
+identity = record { f₁ = id ; f₂ = id }
+compose-3 : Cospan A B → Cospan B C → Cospan C D → Cospan A D
+compose-3 c₁ c₂ c₃ = record { f₁ = P₃.i₁ ∘ P₁.i₁ ∘ C₁.f₁ ; f₂ = P₃.i₂ ∘ P₂.i₂ ∘ C₃.f₂ }
+ where
+ module C₁ = Cospan c₁
+ module C₂ = Cospan c₂
+ module C₃ = Cospan c₃
+ module P₁ = pushout C₁.f₂ C₂.f₁
+ module P₂ = pushout C₂.f₂ C₃.f₁
+ module P₃ = pushout P₁.i₂ P₂.i₁
+record Same (C C′ : Cospan A B) : Set (ℓ ⊔ e) where
+ module C = Cospan C
+ module C′ = Cospan C′
+ field
+ ≅N : C.N ≅ C′.N
+ open _≅_ ≅N public
+ field
+ from∘f₁≈f₁′ : from ∘ C.f₁ ≈ C′.f₁
+ from∘f₂≈f₂′ : from ∘ C.f₂ ≈ C′.f₂
+same-refl : {C : Cospan A B} → Same C C
+same-refl = record
+ { ≅N = ≅.refl
+ ; from∘f₁≈f₁′ = identityˡ
+ ; from∘f₂≈f₂′ = identityˡ
+ }
+same-sym : {C C′ : Cospan A B} → Same C C′ → Same C′ C
+same-sym C≅C′ = record
+ { ≅N = ≅.sym ≅N
+ ; from∘f₁≈f₁′ = Equiv.sym (switch-fromtoˡ ≅N from∘f₁≈f₁′)
+ ; from∘f₂≈f₂′ = Equiv.sym (switch-fromtoˡ ≅N from∘f₂≈f₂′)
+ }
+ where
+ open Same C≅C′
+same-trans : {C C′ C″ : Cospan A B} → Same C C′ → Same C′ C″ → Same C C″
+same-trans C≈C′ C′≈C″ = record
+ { ≅N = ≅.trans C≈C′.≅N C′≈C″.≅N
+ ; from∘f₁≈f₁′ = glueTrianglesˡ C′≈C″.from∘f₁≈f₁′ C≈C′.from∘f₁≈f₁′
+ ; from∘f₂≈f₂′ = glueTrianglesˡ C′≈C″.from∘f₂≈f₂′ C≈C′.from∘f₂≈f₂′
+ }
+ where
+ module C≈C′ = Same C≈C′
+ module C′≈C″ = Same C′≈C″
+glue-i₁ : (p : Pushout f g) → Pushout h (Pushout.i₁ p) → Pushout (h ∘ f) g
+glue-i₁ p = glue p
+glue-i₂ : (p₁ : Pushout f g) → Pushout (Pushout.i₂ p₁) h → Pushout f (h ∘ g)
+glue-i₂ p₁ p₂ = swap (glue (swap p₁) (swap p₂))
+up-to-iso : (p p′ : Pushout f g) → Pushout.Q p ≅ Pushout.Q p′
+up-to-iso p p′ = op-≅⇒≅ (Pb.up-to-iso (Pushout⇒coPullback p) (Pushout⇒coPullback p′))
+pushout-f-id : Pushout f id
+pushout-f-id {_} {_} {f} = record
+ { i₁ = id
+ ; i₂ = f
+ ; commute = id-comm-sym
+ ; universal = λ {B} {h₁} {h₂} eq → h₁
+ ; unique = λ {E} {h₁} {h₂} {eq} {j} j∘i₁≈h₁ j∘i₂≈h₂ → Equiv.sym identityʳ ○ j∘i₁≈h₁
+ ; universal∘i₁≈h₁ = λ {E} {h₁} {h₂} {eq} → identityʳ
+ ; universal∘i₂≈h₂ = λ {E} {h₁} {h₂} {eq} → eq ○ identityʳ
+ }
+ where
+ open HomReasoning
+pushout-id-g : Pushout id g
+pushout-id-g {_} {_} {g} = record
+ { i₁ = g
+ ; i₂ = id
+ ; commute = id-comm
+ ; universal = λ {B} {h₁} {h₂} eq → h₂
+ ; unique = λ {E} {h₁} {h₂} {eq} {j} j∘i₁≈h₁ j∘i₂≈h₂ → Equiv.sym identityʳ ○ j∘i₂≈h₂
+ ; universal∘i₁≈h₁ = λ {E} {h₁} {h₂} {eq} → Equiv.sym eq ○ identityʳ
+ ; universal∘i₂≈h₂ = λ {E} {h₁} {h₂} {eq} → identityʳ
+ }
+ where
+ open HomReasoning
+ : {f : A ⇒ B}
+ {g : A ⇒ C}
+ (p : Pushout f g)
+ (B≅D : B ≅ D)
+ → Pushout (_≅_.from B≅D ∘ f) g
+extend-i₁-iso {_} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} p B≅D = record
+ { i₁ = P.i₁ ∘ B≅D.to
+ ; i₂ = P.i₂
+ ; commute = begin
+ (P.i₁ ∘ B≅D.to) ∘ B≅D.from ∘ f ≈⟨ assoc²'' ⟨
+ P.i₁ ∘ (B≅D.to ∘ B≅D.from) ∘ f ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ B≅D.isoˡ ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ P.i₁ ∘ id ∘ f ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ identityˡ ⟩
+ P.i₁ ∘ f ≈⟨ P.commute ⟩
+ P.i₂ ∘ g ∎
+ ; universal = λ { eq → P.universal (assoc ○ eq) }
+ ; unique = λ {_} {h₁} {_} {j} ≈₁ ≈₂ →
+ let
+ ≈₁′ = begin
+ j ∘ P.i₁ ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ identityʳ ⟨
+ j ∘ P.i₁ ∘ id ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ B≅D.isoˡ ⟨
+ j ∘ P.i₁ ∘ B≅D.to ∘ B≅D.from ≈⟨ assoc²' ⟨
+ (j ∘ P.i₁ ∘ B≅D.to) ∘ B≅D.from ≈⟨ ≈₁ ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ h₁ ∘ B≅D.from ∎
+ in P.unique ≈₁′ ≈₂
+ ; universal∘i₁≈h₁ = λ {E} {h₁} {_} {eq} →
+ begin
+ P.universal (assoc ○ eq) ∘ P.i₁ ∘ B≅D.to ≈⟨ sym-assoc ⟩
+ (P.universal (assoc ○ eq) ∘ P.i₁) ∘ B≅D.to ≈⟨ P.universal∘i₁≈h₁ ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ (h₁ ∘ B≅D.from) ∘ B≅D.to ≈⟨ assoc ⟩
+ h₁ ∘ B≅D.from ∘ B≅D.to ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ B≅D.isoʳ ⟩
+ h₁ ∘ id ≈⟨ identityʳ ⟩
+ h₁ ∎
+ ; universal∘i₂≈h₂ = P.universal∘i₂≈h₂
+ }
+ where
+ module P = Pushout p
+ module B≅D = _≅_ B≅D
+ open HomReasoning
+ : {f : A ⇒ B}
+ {g : A ⇒ C}
+ (p : Pushout f g)
+ (C≅D : C ≅ D)
+ → Pushout f (_≅_.from C≅D ∘ g)
+extend-i₂-iso {_} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} p C≅D = swap (extend-i₁-iso (swap p) C≅D)
+compose-idˡ : {C : Cospan A B} → Same (compose C identity) C
+compose-idˡ {_} {_} {C} = record
+ { ≅N = ≅P
+ ; from∘f₁≈f₁′ = begin
+ ≅P.from ∘ P.i₁ ∘ C.f₁ ≈⟨ assoc ⟨
+ (≅P.from ∘ P.i₁) ∘ C.f₁ ≈⟨ P.universal∘i₁≈h₁ ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ id ∘ C.f₁ ≈⟨ identityˡ ⟩
+ C.f₁ ∎
+ ; from∘f₂≈f₂′ = begin
+ ≅P.from ∘ P.i₂ ∘ id ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ identityʳ ⟩
+ ≅P.from ∘ P.i₂ ≈⟨ P.universal∘i₂≈h₂ ⟩
+ C.f₂ ∎
+ }
+ where
+ open HomReasoning
+ module C = Cospan C
+ P = pushout C.f₂ id
+ module P = Pushout P
+ P′ = pushout-f-id {f = C.f₂}
+ ≅P = up-to-iso P P′
+ module ≅P = _≅_ ≅P
+compose-idʳ : {C : Cospan A B} → Same (compose identity C) C
+compose-idʳ {_} {_} {C} = record
+ { ≅N = ≅P
+ ; from∘f₁≈f₁′ = begin
+ ≅P.from ∘ P.i₁ ∘ id ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ identityʳ ⟩
+ ≅P.from ∘ P.i₁ ≈⟨ P.universal∘i₁≈h₁ ⟩
+ C.f₁ ∎
+ ; from∘f₂≈f₂′ = begin
+ ≅P.from ∘ P.i₂ ∘ C.f₂ ≈⟨ assoc ⟨
+ (≅P.from ∘ P.i₂) ∘ C.f₂ ≈⟨ P.universal∘i₂≈h₂ ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ id ∘ C.f₂ ≈⟨ identityˡ ⟩
+ C.f₂ ∎
+ }
+ where
+ open HomReasoning
+ module C = Cospan C
+ P = pushout id C.f₁
+ module P = Pushout P
+ P′ = pushout-id-g {g = C.f₁}
+ ≅P = up-to-iso P P′
+ module ≅P = _≅_ ≅P
+compose-id² : Same {A} (compose identity identity) identity
+compose-id² = compose-idˡ
+ : {c₁ : Cospan A B}
+ {c₂ : Cospan B C}
+ {c₃ : Cospan C D}
+ → Same (compose c₁ (compose c₂ c₃)) (compose-3 c₁ c₂ c₃)
+compose-3-right {_} {_} {_} {_} {c₁} {c₂} {c₃} = record
+ { ≅N = up-to-iso P₄′ P₄
+ ; from∘f₁≈f₁′ = sym-assoc ○ P₄′.universal∘i₁≈h₁ ⟩∘⟨refl ○ assoc
+ ; from∘f₂≈f₂′ = sym-assoc ○ P₄′.universal∘i₂≈h₂ ⟩∘⟨refl
+ }
+ where
+ open HomReasoning
+ module C₁ = Cospan c₁
+ module C₂ = Cospan c₂
+ module C₃ = Cospan c₃
+ P₁ = pushout C₁.f₂ C₂.f₁
+ P₂ = pushout C₂.f₂ C₃.f₁
+ module P₁ = Pushout P₁
+ module P₂ = Pushout P₂
+ P₃ = pushout P₁.i₂ P₂.i₁
+ module P₃ = Pushout P₃
+ P₄ = glue-i₂ P₁ P₃
+ module P₄ = Pushout P₄
+ P₄′ = pushout C₁.f₂ (P₂.i₁ ∘ C₂.f₁)
+ module P₄′ = Pushout P₄′
+ : {c₁ : Cospan A B}
+ {c₂ : Cospan B C}
+ {c₃ : Cospan C D}
+ → Same (compose (compose c₁ c₂) c₃) (compose-3 c₁ c₂ c₃)
+compose-3-left {_} {_} {_} {_} {c₁} {c₂} {c₃} = record
+ { ≅N = up-to-iso P₄′ P₄
+ ; from∘f₁≈f₁′ = sym-assoc ○ P₄′.universal∘i₁≈h₁ ⟩∘⟨refl
+ ; from∘f₂≈f₂′ = sym-assoc ○ P₄′.universal∘i₂≈h₂ ⟩∘⟨refl ○ assoc
+ }
+ where
+ open HomReasoning
+ module C₁ = Cospan c₁
+ module C₂ = Cospan c₂
+ module C₃ = Cospan c₃
+ P₁ = pushout C₁.f₂ C₂.f₁
+ P₂ = pushout C₂.f₂ C₃.f₁
+ module P₁ = Pushout P₁
+ module P₂ = Pushout P₂
+ P₃ = pushout P₁.i₂ P₂.i₁
+ module P₃ = Pushout P₃
+ P₄ = glue-i₁ P₂ P₃
+ module P₄ = Pushout P₄
+ P₄′ = pushout (P₁.i₂ ∘ C₂.f₂) C₃.f₁
+ module P₄′ = Pushout P₄′
+ : {c₁ : Cospan A B}
+ {c₂ : Cospan B C}
+ {c₃ : Cospan C D}
+ → Same (compose c₁ (compose c₂ c₃)) (compose (compose c₁ c₂) c₃)
+compose-assoc = same-trans compose-3-right (same-sym compose-3-left)
+ : {c₁ : Cospan A B}
+ {c₂ : Cospan B C}
+ {c₃ : Cospan C D}
+ → Same (compose (compose c₁ c₂) c₃) (compose c₁ (compose c₂ c₃))
+compose-sym-assoc = same-trans compose-3-left (same-sym compose-3-right)
+ : {c₂ c₂′ : Cospan B C}
+ {c₁ c₁′ : Cospan A B}
+ → Same c₂ c₂′
+ → Same c₁ c₁′
+ → Same (compose c₁ c₂) (compose c₁′ c₂′)
+compose-equiv {_} {_} {_} {c₂} {c₂′} {c₁} {c₁′} ≈C₂ ≈C₁ = record
+ { ≅N = up-to-iso P P″
+ ; from∘f₁≈f₁′ = begin
+ ≅P.from ∘ P.i₁ ∘ C₁.f₁ ≈⟨ assoc ⟨
+ (≅P.from ∘ P.i₁) ∘ C₁.f₁ ≈⟨ P.universal∘i₁≈h₁ ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ (P′.i₁ ∘ ≈C₁.from) ∘ C₁.f₁ ≈⟨ assoc ⟩
+ P′.i₁ ∘ ≈C₁.from ∘ C₁.f₁ ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ≈C₁.from∘f₁≈f₁′ ⟩
+ P′.i₁ ∘ C₁′.f₁ ∎
+ ; from∘f₂≈f₂′ = begin
+ ≅P.from ∘ P.i₂ ∘ C₂.f₂ ≈⟨ assoc ⟨
+ (≅P.from ∘ P.i₂) ∘ C₂.f₂ ≈⟨ P.universal∘i₂≈h₂ ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ (P′.i₂ ∘ ≈C₂.from) ∘ C₂.f₂ ≈⟨ assoc ⟩
+ P′.i₂ ∘ ≈C₂.from ∘ C₂.f₂ ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ≈C₂.from∘f₂≈f₂′ ⟩
+ P′.i₂ ∘ C₂′.f₂ ∎
+ }
+ where
+ module C₁ = Cospan c₁
+ module C₁′ = Cospan c₁′
+ module C₂ = Cospan c₂
+ module C₂′ = Cospan c₂′
+ P = pushout C₁.f₂ C₂.f₁
+ P′ = pushout C₁′.f₂ C₂′.f₁
+ module ≈C₁ = Same ≈C₁
+ module ≈C₂ = Same ≈C₂
+ P′′ : Pushout (≈C₁.to ∘ C₁′.f₂) (≈C₂.to ∘ C₂′.f₁)
+ P′′ = extend-i₂-iso (extend-i₁-iso P′ (≅.sym ≈C₁.≅N)) (≅.sym ≈C₂.≅N)
+ P″ : Pushout C₁.f₂ C₂.f₁
+ P″ =
+ pushout-resp-≈
+ P′′
+ (Equiv.sym (switch-fromtoˡ ≈C₁.≅N ≈C₁.from∘f₂≈f₂′))
+ (Equiv.sym (switch-fromtoˡ ≈C₂.≅N ≈C₂.from∘f₁≈f₁′))
+ module P = Pushout P
+ module P′ = Pushout P′
+ ≅P : P.Q ≅ P′.Q
+ ≅P = up-to-iso P P″
+ module ≅P = _≅_ ≅P
+ open HomReasoning
+Cospans : Category o (o ⊔ ℓ) (ℓ ⊔ e)
+Cospans = record
+ { Obj = Obj
+ ; _⇒_ = Cospan
+ ; _≈_ = Same
+ ; id = identity
+ ; _∘_ = flip compose
+ ; assoc = compose-assoc
+ ; sym-assoc = compose-sym-assoc
+ ; identityˡ = compose-idˡ
+ ; identityʳ = compose-idʳ
+ ; identity² = compose-id²
+ ; equiv = record
+ { refl = same-refl
+ ; sym = same-sym
+ ; trans = same-trans
+ }
+ ; ∘-resp-≈ = compose-equiv
+ }
diff --git a/Category/Instance/Setoids/SymmetricMonoidal.agda b/Category/Instance/Setoids/SymmetricMonoidal.agda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa4d903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Category/Instance/Setoids/SymmetricMonoidal.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
+module Category.Instance.Setoids.SymmetricMonoidal {ℓ} where
+open import Categories.Category.Cartesian.Monoidal using (module CartesianMonoidal)
+open import Categories.Category.Instance.Setoids using (Setoids)
+open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Bundle using (SymmetricMonoidalCategory)
+open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Instance.Setoids
+ using (Setoids-Cartesian; Setoids-Cocartesian)
+ renaming (Setoids-Monoidal to ×-monoidal)
+open import Categories.Category.Cartesian.SymmetricMonoidal (Setoids ℓ ℓ) Setoids-Cartesian
+ using ()
+ renaming (symmetric to ×-symmetric)
+open import Level using (suc)
+open import Categories.Category.Cocartesian (Setoids ℓ ℓ)
+ using (module CocartesianMonoidal; module CocartesianSymmetricMonoidal)
+open CocartesianMonoidal (Setoids-Cocartesian {ℓ} {ℓ}) using (+-monoidal)
+open CocartesianSymmetricMonoidal (Setoids-Cocartesian {ℓ} {ℓ}) using (+-symmetric)
+Setoids-× : SymmetricMonoidalCategory (suc ℓ) ℓ ℓ
+Setoids-× = record
+ { U = Setoids ℓ ℓ
+ ; monoidal = ×-monoidal
+ ; symmetric = ×-symmetric
+ }
+Setoids-+ : SymmetricMonoidalCategory (suc ℓ) ℓ ℓ
+Setoids-+ = record
+ { U = Setoids ℓ ℓ
+ ; monoidal = +-monoidal
+ ; symmetric = +-symmetric
+ }