path: root/eval.s
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authorJacques Comeaux <jacquesrcomeaux@gmail.com>2022-09-16 13:28:30 -0500
committerJacques Comeaux <jacquesrcomeaux@gmail.com>2022-09-16 13:28:30 -0500
commitac8569fd6ab5e753bfb92d1c0af2b3b6d0f5c126 (patch)
tree8e2b18f0ac5711ea8b565c3b56eef044d102a06a /eval.s
parentd9dc24857461e136af7d7ef8604ea729316cfff9 (diff)
Implement eval subroutines
Diffstat (limited to 'eval.s')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/eval.s b/eval.s
index 13488eb..68dc36c 100644
--- a/eval.s
+++ b/eval.s
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ eval: (e) =
BIT #1, (R0) ; test if e is cons or atom
BEQ not_atom ; branch if not atom(e)
JSR PC, #assoc ; return assoc(e)
- ; TODO assumes assoc puts result in R0
; R7 = PC
@@ -27,14 +26,11 @@ not_atom:
MOV "LABEL", R1 ; arg2 <- at"LABEL"
JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(first, at"LABEL")
BNE not_label ; branch if not label
; if is label
MOV 2(R2), R2 ; rest <- cdr(hd)
MOV 2(R2), R3 ; rest' <- cdr(rest)
; R2 = rest
; R3 = rest'
; push entry l[second, hd] onto symbol table a
; a <- cons(l[second, hd], a)
MOV @R2, (R5)+ ; push second (=car(rest)) onto symbol table column 0
@@ -50,150 +46,250 @@ not_atom:
; R2 = hd
- ; first still in R0
+ MOV @R2, R0 ; arg1 <- car(hd) = first
MOV "LAMBDA", R1 ; arg2 <- at"LAMBDA"
JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(first, at"LAMBDA")
BNE error ; branch if not lambda
- ;if is lambda
+ ; if is lambda
; push onto a ; a <- append(pair(second, evlis(tl)), a)
MOV R5, -(SP) ; push old symbol table pointer to stack
MOV 2(R2), R1 ; rest <- cdr(hd)
MOV @R1, R2 ; symbols <- car(rest) = second
MOV 2(R4), R3 ; args <- tl = cdr(e)
- ; R1 = rest
+ MOV R1, -(SP) ; save rest
; R2 = symbols
; R3 = args
evlis: (symbols, args)
BIT #1, (R2) ; test if symbols is cons or atom
BNE done ; if its atom jump to done
; if its cons:
BIT #1, (R3) ; test if args is cons or atom
BNE done ; if its atom jump to done
; if both are cons:
MOV @R3, R0 ; arg1 <- car(args)
+ MOV R2, -(SP) ; save symbos
+ MOV R3, -(SP) ; save args
JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval (arg1)
+ MOV (SP)+, R3 ; restore args
+ MOV (SP)+, R2 ; restore symbols
; push (symbol, eval(arg))
MOV @R2, (R5)+ ; push symbol (=car(symbols)) to column 0
MOV R0, (R5)+ ; push result to column 1
MOV 2(R2), R2 ; args <- cdr(args)
MOV 2(R3), R3 ; symbols <- cdr(symbols)
BR -??? ; jump to evlis(symbols, args)
+ MOV (SP)+, R1 ; restore rest
+ ; R1 = rest
MOV 2(R1), R1 ; rest' <- cdr(rest)
MOV @R1, R0 ; arg1 <- third = car(rest')
JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(third)
; pop off argument entries
MOV (SP)+, R5 ; restore symbol table pointer
- MOV R4, R0
BR -2 ; infinite loop
- ; this should never happen. ill-formed s-exp
- ; return bad ; maybe just return the original s-exp
-head_is_atom: (hd, tl)
- return cases
- [ (eq(hd, at"QUOTE"), car(tl))
- , (eq(hd, at"ATOM"), atom(eval(car(tl))))
- , (eq(hd, at"EQ"), eq(eval(car(tl)), eval(cadr(tl))))
- , (eq(hd, at"COND"), evcon(car(tl)))
- , (eq(hd, at"CAR"), car(eval(car(tl))))
- , (eq(hd, at"CDR"), cdr(eval(car(tl))))
- , (eq(hd, at"CONS"), cons(eval(car(tl)), eval(cadr(tl))))
- , (at"T", eval(cons(assoc(hd), tl)))
- ]
+ ; R2 = hd
+ ; R3 = tl
+ ; R4 = e
+ MOV 2(R4), R3 ; tl <- cdr(e)
MOV R2, R0 ; arg1 <- hd
MOV "QUOTE", R1 ; arg2 <- at"QUOTE"
JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(hd, at"QUOTE")
BNE next ; skip if not quote
- ...
+ ; return car(tl)
+ MOV @R3, R0
+ MOV R2, R0 ; arg1 <- hd
MOV "ATOM", R1 ; arg2 <- at"ATOM"
JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(hd, at"ATOM")
BNE next ; skip if not atom
- ...
+ ; return atom(eval(car(tl)))
+ MOV @R3, R0 ; arg1 <- car(tl)
+ JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(car(tl))
+ BIT #1, (R0) ; test if e is cons or atom
+ BEQ not_atom ; branch if not atom
+ ; is atom
+ MOV "T" R0
+ BR return
+ ; not_atom
+ MOV "F" R0
+ MOV R2, R0 ; arg1 <- hd
MOV "EQ", R1 ; arg2 <- at"EQ"
JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(hd, at"EQ")
BNE next ; skip if not eq
- ...
+ ; return eq(eval(car(tl)), eval(cadr(tl)))
+ MOV @R3, R0 ; arg1 <- car(tl)
+ MOV R3, -(SP) ; save tl
+ JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(car(tl))
+ MOV (SP)+, R3 ; restore tl
+ MOV R0, -(SP) ; push eq arg1 = result
+ MOV 2(R3), R0 ; rest <- cdr(tl)
+ MOV @R0, R0 ; arg1 <- car(rest)
+ JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(cadr(tl))
+ MOV R0, R1 ; arg2 <- result
+ MOV (SP)+, R0 ; pop arg1
+ JSR PC, #eq ; test if equal
+ BNE not_eq
+ ; eq
+ MOV "T" R0
+ BR return
+ ; not_eq
+ MOV "F" R0
+ MOV R2, R0 ; arg1 <- hd
MOV "COND", R1 ; arg2 <- at"COND"
JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(hd, at"COND")
BNE next ; skip if not cond
- ...
+ ; return evcon(car(tl))
+ MOV @R3, R2 ; arg1 <- car(tl)
+ evcon:
+ ; R1 = arg1 = at"T"
+ ; R2 = c
+ MOV @R2, R0 ; car(c)
+ MOV @R0, R0 ; arg1 <- caar(c)
+ MOV R2, -(SP) ; save c
+ JSR PC, #eval ; arg1 <- eval(caar(c))
+ MOV (SP)+, R2 ; restore c
+ MOV "T" R1 ; arg2 <- at"T"
+ JSR PC, #eq ; check if it's at"T"
+ BEQ is_true
+ ; if not true
+ MOV 2(R2), R2 ; c <- cdr(c)
+ BR -??? ; evcon(c)
+ ; if true
+ MOV @R2, R0 ; car(c)
+ MOV 2(R0), R0 ; cdar(c)
+ MOV @R0, R0 ; arg1 <- cadar(c)
+ JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(cadar(c))
+ MOV R2, R0 ; arg1 <- hd
MOV "CAR", R1 ; arg2 <- at"CAR"
JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(hd, at"CAR")
BNE next ; skip if not car
- ...
+ ; return car(eval(car(tl)))
+ MOV @R3, R0 ; arg1 <- car(tl)
+ JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(car(tl))
+ MOV @R0, R0 ; result <- car(result)
+ MOV R2, R0 ; arg1 <- hd
MOV "CDR", R1 ; arg2 <- at"CDR"
JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(hd, at"CDR")
BNE next ; skip if not cdr
- ...
+ ; return cdr(eval(car(tl)))
+ MOV @R3, R0 ; arg1 <- car(tl)
+ JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(car(tl))
+ MOV 2(R0), R0 ; result <- cdr(result)
- MOV "CONS", R1 ; arg2 <- at"CONS"
- JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(hd, at"CONS")
- BNE next ; skip if not cons
- ...
+ MOV R2, R0 ; arg1 <- hd
+ MOV "CONS", R1 ; arg2 <- at"CONS"
+ JSR PC, #eq ; test eq(hd, at"CONS")
+ BNE otherwise ; skip if not cons
+ ; return cons(eval(car(tl)), eval(cadr(tl)))
+ MOV @R3, R0 ; arg1 <- car(tl)
+ MOV R3, -(SP) ; save tl
+ JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(car(tl))
+ MOV (SP)+, R3 ; restore tl
+ MOV R0, -(SP) ; push cons arg1
+ MOV 2(R3), R0 ; rest <- cdr(tl)
+ MOV @R0, R0 ; arg1 <- car(rest)
+ JSR PC, #eval ; result <- eval(cadr(tl))
+ MOV R0, R1 ; arg2 <- result
+ MOV (SP)+, R0 ; pop arg1
+ JSR PC, #cons
- ...
+ return eval(cons(assoc(hd), tl)))
+; This one touches R0, R1
+ ; R0 = arg1
+ ; R1 = arg2
+ BIT #1, (R0) ; test if arg1 is cons or atom
+ BEQ bad ; if its cons jump to error
+ ; otherwise its atom
+ BIT #1, (R1) ; test if arg2 is cons or atom
+ BEQ bad ; if its cons jump to error
+ ; get the string pointers out of atoms arg1 and arg2
+ MOV @(R0), R0
+ DEC R0
+ MOV @(R1), R1
+ DEC R1
+ CMPB (R0), (R1)+ ; compare a byte from each string
+ ; advance R1 pointer
+ BNE not_equal
+ ; if they are equal:
+ TSTB (R0)+ ; check if null byte
+ ; advance R0 pointer
+ BEQ done ; if null byte, strings are equal
+ ; otherwise, not done yet:
+ BR loop
+ ; the strings are not equal
+ CLZ ; clear zero flag
+ ; the strings are equal
+ SEZ ; set zero flag
+ BR -2 ; infinite loop
-evcon(c) =
- cases
- [ (eval(caar(c)), eval(cadar(c)))
- , (at"T", evcon(cdr(c)))
- ]
-evlis(m) =
- cases
- [ (null(m), at"NIL")
- , (at"T", cons(eval(car(m)), evlis(cdr(m))))
- ]
+ ; R0 = arg1
+ ; R1 = arg2
+ ; heap at 10000
+ ; no garbage collection
+ ; pretend heap is infinite
+ MOV @#10000, R2 ; get free pointer
+ MOV R0, @R2 ; move arg1 to car of new cons cell
+ MOV R1, 2(R2) ; move arg2 to cdr of new cons cell
+ MOV R2, R0 ; result <- new cons cell
+ TST (R2)+ ; increment free pointer
+ MOV R2, @#10000 ; store new free pointer
+; This one touches R0, R1, R2, R4
+ MOV R5, R4
+ MOV R0, R2
+ ; R1 = key
+ ; R2 = symbol
+ ; R4 = symbol table pointer
+ loop:
+ CMP R4, #10000 ; beginning of symbol table
+ BLOS bad ; symbol not found
+ ; otherwise check next row
+ TST -(R4) ; skip column 1
+ MOV -(R4), R1 ; key <- column 0
+ MOV R2, R0 ; arg1 <- symbol
+ JSR PC, #eq ; check if symbol equals key
+ BNE loop
+ ; otherwise they are equal
+ MOV 2(R4), R0 ; result <- value
+ bad:
+ BR -2 ; infinite loop