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1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/read.s b/read.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a5975d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/read.s
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+MOV #7000, R5 ; move read buffer address into R5
+; populate read buffer with console input until enter key is pressed
+; filter out bad characters here.
+; increment R5 along the way.
+; and start with null byte.
+; what we are left with is just (, ), A-Z, and space
+JSR PC, #parse_sexp
+JMP #eval
+; R4 = sexps
+JSR PC, #get_next ; get a character
+CMPB R0, ")"
+BNE if_atom ; if atom get the atom
+; otherwise (if list)
+; get the list
+MOV "NIL", R4 ; sexps <- empty list
+JSR PC, #get_next
+CMPB R0, "("
+BEQ done ; if "(" return the accumulated list
+; if anything else:
+MOV R4, -(SP) ; push sexps
+JSR PC, #parse_sexp ; arg1 <- parse sexp
+MOV (SP)+, R1 ; arg2 <- pop accum
+JSR PC, #cons ; cons result onto accum
+MOV R0, R4 ; sexps <- result
+BR -??? ; continue recognizing list
+MOV R4, R0 ; result <- sexps
+MOVB "\0", -(SP) ; push null byte to stack
+MOVB R0, -(SP) ; push character to stack ;
+MOVB -(R5), R0 ; get another character
+CMPB R0, "A" ;
+BLO done ; done if lower than A
+CMPB R0, "Z" ;
+BHI done ; done if higher than Z
+BR -??? ; continue getting characters
+MOVB R0, (R5)+ ; put the non-letter back
+MOV @#10000, R2 ; get free pointer
+MOV R2, R0 ; result <- address of new atom
+MOV 3(R2), (R2)+ ; allocate atom tag and increment free pointer
+MOVB (SP)+, (R2)+ ; pop a char off the stack and into the heap ; increment the free pointer (by 1)
+BNE -4 ; if it wasn't null keep going
+TST (R2)+ ; align free pointer
+MOV R2, @#10000 ; store new free pointer
+MOVB -(R5), R0
+BEQ bad ; if null byte, no more input, very bad
+CMPB R0, " " ; check if space
+BEQ loop ; skip space
+RTS PC ; return the lexically-valid character
+BR -2 ; infinite loop