.syntax unified .cpu cortex-m0plus .thumb // .type print_error, %function // .global print_error // 00 success // 01 expected an opcode (or unexpected character) // 02 expected label or opcode // 03 expected colon at end of label // 04 opcode not found // 05 expected digit // 06 expected register // 07 invalid general-purpose register number // 08 invalid register for this register position // 09 invalid register combo for this instruction // 0A immediate value too large // 0B extra input at end of statement .align 4 no_colon: .asciz "Error: Expected colon at end of label" .align 4 no_opcode: .asciz "Error: Expected an opcode" .align 4 not_found: .asciz "Error: Opcode not found"