module Main ( main ) where import RIO import Data.Conduit (runConduit, (.|)) import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec (sinkParser) import Network.HTTP.Req ( jsonResponse , req , (=:) , NoReqBody (..) , (/:) , GET (..) , https , responseBody , Req , defaultHttpConfig , runReq ) import Network.HTTP.Types (status200, status500) import Network.Wai (responseBuilder, responseLBS, Response) import Network.Wai.Conduit (sourceRequestBody) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run) import System.Environment (getArgs) import Data.Message (InMessage (..)) import Data.Tomato (Tomato) import Tomato.Post (postTomato) import Tomato.Validate (isTomato) import qualified Data.Aeson as Ae import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import qualified RIO.List.Partial as L' data App = App { appLogFunc :: !LogFunc , appToken :: !Text , appBotId :: !Text } instance HasLogFunc App where logFuncL = lens appLogFunc (\x y -> x { appLogFunc = y }) runApp :: RIO App a -> IO a runApp inner = do logOptions' <- logOptionsHandle stderr False -- let logOptions = setLogUseTime True $ setLogUseLoc True logOptions' let logOptions = logOptions' withLogFunc logOptions $ \logFunc -> do let app = App { appLogFunc = logFunc , appToken = "placeholder" , appBotId = "placeholder" } runRIO app inner _randomTomato :: Req Tomato _randomTomato = do let url = https "" /: "photos" /: "random" js <- req GET url NoReqBody jsonResponse $ "query" =: ("tomato" :: Text) <> "client_id" =: ("FbzqI-oR7277JwL1ZGsyUw7yG1F5U0U3WhQ3kOW71Do" :: Text) tomato <- case Ae.fromJSON (responseBody js) of Ae.Success r -> pure r Ae.Error _s -> error "deal with this later" return tomato tomatoBot :: RIO App () tomatoBot = do logInfo $ "Fetching tomato" -- tomato <- runReq defaultHttpConfig randomTomato -- logInfo $ displayShow tomato -- url <- runReq defaultHttpConfig postTomato runReq defaultHttpConfig postTomato -- logInfo $ displayShow url logInfo $ "All done" main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs when (null args) (error "no port") let portS = readMaybe $ L'.head args let port = maybe (error "invalid port") id portS run port $ \request send -> do eres <- tryAnyDeep $ do val <- runConduit $ sourceRequestBody request .| sinkParser Ae.json case Ae.fromJSON val of Ae.Success r -> return r Ae.Error _s -> error "handle this later" case eres of Left e -> send $ errorResponse e Right inMes -> do when (isTomato inMes) $ runApp tomatoBot send $ validResponse inMes where errorResponse :: SomeException -> Response errorResponse e = responseLBS status500 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] $ BL8.pack $ "Exception occurred: " ++ show e validResponse :: InMessage -> Response validResponse inMes = responseBuilder status200 [("Content-Type", "application/json")] $ Ae.fromEncoding $ Ae.toEncoding $ text inMes