module Tomato.Post ( postTomato , uploadTomato , postMessage ) where import RIO import Network.HTTP.Req ( jsonResponse , ignoreResponse , req , Req , defaultHttpConfig , runReq , ReqBodyFile (..) , ReqBodyJson (..) , (/:) , POST (..) , Req , https , header , responseBody ) import Data.HashMap.Strict (insert) import Tomato.Data.Except (DecodeException (..)) import Tomato.Data.Message (GMIUrl (..), OutMessage (..)) import Tomato.App (App (..)) import qualified Data.Aeson as Ae import qualified RIO.Text as T -- | Post the current tomato postTomato :: RIO App () postTomato = do url <- uploadTomato postMessage $ OutMessage url -- | Upload the current tomato to the GroupMe image server uploadTomato :: RIO App GMIUrl uploadTomato = do tomatoFile <- asks appFile accessToken <- asks appToken let url = https "" /: "pictures" js <- rr $ req POST url (ReqBodyFile tomatoFile) jsonResponse $ header "X-Access-Token" accessToken <> header "Content-Type" "image/png" gmURL <- case Ae.fromJSON (responseBody js) of Ae.Success r -> pure r Ae.Error s -> throwM $ DecodeException $ T.pack s return gmURL -- | Post a message to the group with image as attachment postMessage :: OutMessage -> RIO App () postMessage outMes = do botId <- asks appBotId accessToken <- asks appToken let url = https "" /: "v3" /: "bots" /: "post" outMes' = case Ae.toJSON outMes of Ae.Object o -> Ae.Object $ insert "bot_id" (Ae.toJSON botId) o _ -> error "exceptional" rr $ req POST url (ReqBodyJson outMes') ignoreResponse $ header "X-Access-Token" accessToken return () rr :: Req a -> RIO App a rr = runReq defaultHttpConfig